Along with
the birth of this body, hunger and thirst are also born. During first few years,
this hunger is limited to physical in nature – hunger for food, thirst for
water. But as we grow older, this hunger begins to expand and start running in
different directions – hunger for wealth, hunger for power, hunger for fame and
a lot more. Eventually, it is this hunger and the desire for more, that becomes
the root cause of all the sorrow, stress and restlessness in human life.
The hunger
described so far is natural and arises without any effort. However, the
spiritual hunger for knowing the Truth or realizing the Self or the God arises
only to the fortunate ones with pious discrimination (Viveka). It only arises
in a pure heart having love for God. Everyone around us has hunger for the
worldly objects, but blessed is the one with the divine hunger for knowing the
Truth – The Truth about the Aatma (Self) and about the omnipresent Paramatma