The Sages of India, thousands of years ago, beautifully described
human consciousness as a complex knot (or combination) of conscious (Chetan)
and unconscious (jad) substance – Chit-Jad-Granthi. We are all spiritual and
conscious beings having worldly human experiences. On the same thought, there
is a famous quote by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin – “We are not human
beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having
a human experience."
The conscious component of our Being pulls us towards the Divine
and inspires us to engage ourselves in helping others, paying reverence to
Saints, listening to Self-realized ones, read holy scriptures, remember God, be
peaceful and blissful while conducting in the worldly affairs. Whereas the
unconscious, earthy component of our psyche drag us towards enjoying worldly
momentary sensual pleasures, being selfish, over sleeping, over eating, being
restless, being angry, hurting others and all other sorts of negative emotions.