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Thursday, December 31, 2009

True ever lasting happiness

A rich businessman went to a mystic and addressed him: ‘Dear Master, I tried a lot, but couldn’t attain long-lasting happiness. Please bless me with long-lasting happiness.’
The mystic thought that this man doesn’t have the patience to sit, listen and comprehend my teachings. He needs a practical lesson. He said, ‘Please bring me an old shoe of the happiest one, and I will bless you to be in the same state of happiness as the owner of the shoe.’
The businessman went to the wealthiest man in the city and knocked on his door. ‘Sir, can I have one of your old shoes, please?’ On being asked why, he told the whole story to the wealthy man. The wealthy man said, ‘Who told you that I am the happiest one?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How do I win over my impish mind?

Very often, seekers have a question: how can I win over this untamed mind? When I sit for meditation, my mind become engaged in vague thoughts – thoughts about unpaid bills, about some old reminiscence, about a scene from the movie or what not? The chattering of mind never stops.

Well… it is the tendency of the mind to hanker after the subject of interest or from where it thinks it can derive security, peace, pleasure or happiness. So far, your mind is only aware of the posible source of happiness in the outer world.  It is only aware of the outer peace, while remaining ignorant about the ocean of inner peace. Your mind has not tasted the joy of becoming aware of the awareness. So, it is natural for the mind to pull you in the outer world, even when you try to sit in the meditation to focus inward. Because of your ignoranance of the inner world and the inner joy, all your efforts become futile for focusing the mind inwardly.

Also, think about it... your mind is continuously inundated with the information

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

True wealth

Not one or two, but most of us are engaged only in piling up the material wealth, assuming it to be the source of happiness. But rare are those beings who have come to realize the truth and have truly searched for the true wealth, the wealth of inner contentment, peace and fulfillment.
Siddhartha, who later became known as Buddha, came to understand the reality of the material wealth in his early youth. He made up his mind to go to the forest in search of true happiness, leaving behind his magnificent palace, all the luxuries, his beautiful wife and his infant son. Around midnight, he asked his charioteer by the name Chann to pull out the chariot and requested him to drop him at the outskirts of the state.