Beliefs and faith is good to have, but at the same time one should not form a concrete wall of beliefs in such a manner that nothing else can penetrate. Beliefs and faith suppresses curiosity and thereby hinders progress. Think about it. For thousands of years people believed that earth is flat until the time when curious minded Philosopher Pythagoras and Aristotle came up with the theory about earth being spherical. There are a lot many such instances. Only those curious inquisitive minds achieve success in the field of Science and Technology who think beyond their beliefs. Newton, Einstein, Darwin and all others challenged the belief system and changed the whole paradigm.
A child is full of inquiries and inquisitive by nature. Slowly as the child grows, his curiosity is buried under the load of beliefs and answers provided by others around him. For example, before the child asks, “Who am I?”, he is told that his name is John or Tim. He begins to believe that he is just that name. Before he asks about the Truth or God, the belief system based on the religion of the parents suppresses his spiritual inquiries. He receives a lot of information from his surrounding, continue to assimilate it without questioning. The path of inner happiness is only for those who keep their curiosity alive and doesn’t let it get buried under the load of beliefs.
I am not totally against the system of beliefs. Initially a student is asked to believe the theory ( be it about the shape of earth or any other scientific fact) and then it is later proved to him experimentally. Even in mathematics, we assume the variables and then deduce the theorum. Similarly in spirituality, the true seeker should seek the teachings of Self realized blissful saints, begin to believe them and then perform self analysis about the Truth in solitude during thoughtful meditation. The Self realized saints say that – Any spiritual belief can’t be called as yours unless you experiment with it or apply it in your own life, unless you make it your own experience. Have faith in teachings of those saints, those holy men who are willing to help you to attain the supreme state of happiness, while living, in present (not the promises of heaven after death).
Don’t live a life based on borrowed beliefs. Wake up, inquire, shatter all the belief systems, perform Self analysis (Swadyay) and attain complete freedom. This is the only way to attain your original state of Sat-chit-Shant-Ananda being (Eternal-Conscious-Peaceful-Blissful being).
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