There was a beggar in Mumbai, who lived, slept and begged at the same spot throughout his life. One morning, he didn't wake up. People gathered all around and started talking about the dead beggar. Someone suggested that since he didn't left that spot for many decades, he must have hidden his savings around the same spot. They started digging the place, and found a few small packets of change, here and there , while digging. Someone else suggested to dig deeper. As they continued to dig deeper, they found a antique treasure with a lot of jewels and valuables from the same spot. Someone commented, “How unfortunate the beggar was? Throughout his life he continued to seek pennies without knowing that he is sitting on top of such a valuable treasure.”
Similar is the state of modern man, who continue to look for peace and happiness in the outer world, who continue to seek momentary pleasures in the external world, while remaining unaware of the treasure of immense peace, divinity and happiness within. While remaining ignorant of the inner wisdom, he never tries to dig deeper within. And then finally, leave this world in the restless and unfulfilled state of mind.
Our consciousness or you can say that our soul is the true source of all the imagination, creativity, skills, abilities, strength, knowledge, peace, happiness and love. We should take a few moments from our busy schedule to explore the true nature of our own selves, true nature of our consciousness. Those who realized the Self, were truly blessed.
Peace is the inherent nature of our consciousness. We run around throughout the day and then sleep in the night to regain the strength that emanates when our mind calm down in union with our consciousness. Peace is the mother of strength and abilities. When a scientist remain in peaceful state of mind, he creates wonders. A painter creates a masterpiece when he completely forgets about the outer world and paints in peace. A musician give birth to melodious albums when he resides in peace. It is also a common experience that we take a good decision when we are in peaceful state of mind. No matter how restless we are, we regain our peace if we sleep or meditate. Where does that peace come from ? It is your own true nature, which is the true nature of your consciousness.
Knowledge or intelligence is also inherent nature of your consciousness. As soon as a child begins to speak, he begins to ask questions because he is curious to gain knowledge. The sages of the East meditated for many years and came up with holy scriptures in the form of Vedas and Upnishads. Where does that treasure of knowledge come from? … from within.
Those who spend time in the exploration of the inner world, who meditate on the consciousness and eventually realize their true nature, not only fill their heart with divine peace and bliss, but also succeed in every sphere of life. Their life is filled with pious virtues of compassion, serenity and love. They succeed in discarding physical, mental and spiritual afflictions, and thereby achieving the highest goal of human life by achieving the state of union with the all pervading Sat-Chit-Ananada (Eternal-Conscious-Blissful) Paramatma.
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