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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Divine laws of inner happiness

In order to lead a serene, healthy and happy life it is important that we are aware of the laws that we are all governed by at different planes of existence. Ignorance of laws is no excuse. If we break a law, we have to bear the consequences. At social level, we are all bounded by the laws of the society, state or nation. At the broader level, our body being part of nature, we are also bounded by the laws of nature. And at even broader and subtler level, we are all bounded by the divine spiritual laws of existence, because after all, we are all spiritual beings.

In order to lead a serene life in the society, we should be aware of the social laws of the society in which we live. For example, if we are travelling, we should be aware of the traffic laws of the country that we are visiting or else, we will be in trouble.
Similarly, in order to remain healthy, we should be aware of the natural laws of existence. If we eat at wrong times or unhealthy food then we should be ready to bear the consequences. Similarly, at spiritual levels, we should be aware of the divine laws of existence in order to remain happy. Inner long lasting true happiness can only be achieved when we abide by the spiritual laws of existence. For example, if we hurt someone’s feelings, our inner being makes us restless within. Similarly, when we help someone selflessly, our inner being inspires us and we experience a different sort of wholesome happiness.   

Contemporary man under the influence of worldly desires or for the sake of momentary pleasures, ignores the laws of nature and the spiritual laws of happiness. He drinks alcohol, eat meat or other form of unhealthy food, keeps his mind engaged in outer pleasures, ignore  feelings of parents and other well-wishers and then in the end face repercussions in the form of health problems, restlessness, stress and depression. It is unfortunate the modern education only teaches about the social laws of existence and up to certain extent natural laws of existence, but no emphasis is given to the divine or spiritual laws of happiness.

Many a times it is possible that one can escape from social laws after committing an offence, but one cannot get away from the natural laws and the spiritual laws of existence. In the long run, one has to face all the consequences of one’s deeds. This is the law of Karma. Laws of nature and the spiritual laws of divine existence are prevalent at subtler level which cannot be escaped.

There are many examples from the lives of Saints which proves that if there is a conflict, then spiritual laws supersede natural laws of existence. Swami Vivekananda was once travelling through a forest and he encountered a lion. While looking at the lion Swamiji’s heart became full with compassion as he looked at the same divine light of the Supreme Lord in all the beings. His thought process was like, “O my dear Lord, if my body can satisfy your hunger then let it be. I will be blessed if my body can be of any use to you.” After a few moments, the lion turned back into the forest without even touching Swamiji. Similarly, Meerabai drank a bowl of  poison served by the conspirators, but came out of it without any affect as she was totally immersed in spiritual blissfulness.

People who remain aware of the natural laws, eat healthy food, perform exercise and give importance to natural way of living, remain healthy and strong. Those who remain aware of spiritual laws of existence give importance to feelings of others, perform selfless service, listen to words of spiritual wisdoms from Saints, remember God in every breath and continuously express gratitude for all the blessings in life. In this manner such seekers of inner happiness remain peaceful and blissful within. 

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