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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Only your experiences comes for your rescue

A true seeker is a scientist of inner worked. He has to research on his own to find the presence of the true divine within, to realize the highest form of peaceful happiness within. One cannot be just dependent on the research performed by others or just read thesis written by others for the art of inner exploration. Learning from other’s experiences will help you, but totally relying on the experience on others won’t bring you closer to your own real Self. Inner divine exploration is more of an art rather than science. But it is very logical in nature and hence referred to as science also.

A master observed that a disciple has a lot of potential, but he is always engaged in reading scriptures, memorizing the hymns from the holy books and trying to impress others by rephrasing the knowledge that he gained from other sources. He observed that disciple is hardly spending any time in seclusion, sitting in meditation and performing Self analysis. Out of compassion, one morning master called the disciple to his room and said, “Son, sit here close to me. I want to tell you a story.”

With his heart filled with gratitude, the disciple respectfully sat close to the feet of the master with his attention focused on the master’s words.

Master said, “There used to live a wealthy old man along with his whole family comprising of his sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren. As he was growing old, his eye-sight gradually became very weak. He thought he has so many people around him to help and he didn’t bother about treating his eyes. Slowly he grew almost blind. Whenever he need something, there were always people around him to help. Eventually he became totally reliant on them.”

“One day, due to negligence of a servant, a fire broke out in the kitchen. Within minutes, the fire almost engulfed the whole house. Elder brother thought younger might have helped the old man, while the younger daughter in law thought elder might have helped. In that confusion, everyone saved their own life and ran out of the house as quickly as they could. Once everyone gathered outside, they realized that old man is still inside the house, but it was too late by that time.”

“So, son, when there is a fire, only one’s own eyes and senses helps. It is not a good idea to rely on others. Similarly, when we face challenging situations in the life, only one owns wisdom and deep understanding comes to a rescue. All the temporarily gained knowledge evaporates and doesn’t come for rescue. In the exploration of the Self, one’s own Self-analysis, meditation helps, not just cramming the words of wisdom from scriptures. Saravanà --> Mananà --> Nityadhyasanà. Saravana means hearing or reading from scriptures is only first step. Manana (mental repetition) and Nityadhasana (self analysis) are equally important.”

With his eyes filled with gratitude, the disciple understood the deep meaning of the story. He touched the feet of the holy man and thanked him for closely observing him and helping him in his spiritual exploration.

Thanks to Rajiv Bhai for sharing the story. 

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